Tuesday, January 18, 2011

I'm a runner now?

This weekend I went to the Rock'n Roll Marathon to see two of my good friends complete the half marathon.  The energy was amazing; I got a total contact high.  My friend Jen told me that her next event is going to be the half marathon in Disneyland later this year.  I hate to run, anyone who knows me knows I hate to run.  However, I love Disneyland, seemingly more than I hate running because I have committed to doing the race with her.  I still want to do a fitness competition next year, so I need to continue to build muscle as I train to run 13.1 miles (oh god help me)  I have a plan; I have created a schedule for myself for the next month(see below)  After a month, I will see where I am and fine tune my schedule to my new level.  I also want to work in a few long runs outside with the girls that are going to do the 1/2 marathon.
After the half marathon in September, I plan to drop long distance running and train hard for the fitness competition in 2012. 
Now I have to figure out what foods are best before and after running as I want to protect my muscle from being cannibalized for fuel.  Stay tuned...

Run 45-1hr
Lift Legs
Lift Bis/Tris
& Shoulders
Run 45-1hr
Lift Legs
Run 45-1hr
Lift Chest/Back

1 comment:

  1. Look at you getting all fancy with charts! I def need a set routine, I am just making it up as I go... not the way to go.

    BTW, you are now a permanent tab in my internet window :)
