Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Creatine, not just for big burly men

I went to Vitamin World a few days ago to get a new protein powder, while I was there I noticed a whole shelf dedicated to creatine.  I have heard of it before in regard to men lifting and assumed it was only for big muscle men who wanted to be even bigger.  I thought it was like a legal steroid; I was so wrong.  It is actually an amino acid that occurs naturally in our muscle, we acquire most of the creatine in our body by consuming meat, fish, eggs, nuts.  Amino acids are the building blocks of protien, so most (natural) high protein foods have creatine.  Creatine works in the body to speed recovery and enhance your strength.  As a supplement it allows you to work longer before you reach fatigue or failure by converting ADP back to ATP which supplies your muscles with energy.  It also helps delay the burning feeling you get from pushing your muscles to failure by buffering lactic acid.  I have read conflicting articles about whether or not creatine will help stimulate muscle growth, but by lifting longer and heavier before reaching failure one would assume you would gain more muscle.  If you are not pushing your muscles to failure then creatine is probably an unnecessary supplement.  As for me, I am taking it twice a day.  Once before I workout and once after...the jury is still out, but I figure it can't hurt anything to try it. 

"The pain of discipline is far less than the pain of regret"
- Sarah Bombell, synchronized swimmer


  1. Huh. I have always wondered what creatine was used for...that totally makes sense. BTW, I just ordered the vanilla protein powder off the VW website today. I guess when you order online they include the membership info for their discount program. I also ordered a joint support supplement (chondroitin/glucosamine for running) and an omega 3-6-9 supplement, since I was out of my fish oil. I will let you know how it all goes. I love your new blog!!! ;)

  2. I'll be interested to hear what you think about it after you've been taking it for awhile!
